It is vital for teachers to understand the Ziptales 10 stage Reading Scheme, which governs how reading groups can be formed in a way which matches children’s abilities to the appropriate texts. To check on this essential resource - click here.
The 10 Zip Stages cover all levels of reading ability, from Foundation/Prep/Kindergarten through to Year 6. This scheme underpins the whole Themes module.
Focus Stories | Comprehension | Conventions | Writing | Speaking & Listening | Extension |
Zip Stage 1 The Little Green Crab (Consonant Blends – Easy Readers) |
Write or draw three problems the little green crab had after she had the magic drink. |
Worksheet #2: Ordering Words |
Write about or draw your favourite sea creature. |
Worksheet #1: Read and Draw Explain drawings to an audience. |
Make a green crab using craft materials. |
Zip Stage 1 Rainbow Bay (Vowel/Consonant Digraphs – Easy Readers) |
What happens when... a wave hits the cliff? a breeze blows? the day is over? |
Worksheet #1: The Long ‘a’ Sound |
Worksheet #2: Looking at Verbs |
Finish the sentence: In the summer holidays, we... then read to an audience. |
Paint a picture of Rainbow Bay. |
Zip Stage 2 The Sparkly Starfish (Vowel/Consonant Digraphs – Easy Readers) |
What caused the starfish to feel sick? Write a sentence to explain it. |
Worksheet #1: Small Word Hunt |
Write some simple facts about starfish. | In pairs, complete Worksheet #2 then read new stories aloud to an audience. | Use craft materials to make a sparkly starfish. |
Zip Stage 3 Wendy and the Pirate (Storytime) |
Multiple Choice Questions Worksheet & Worksheet #2: The Story of the Map |
Worksheet #1: Mixed Up Letters |
Write a story about hearing a strange sound while you are on a holiday on an island. | Use the script as Reader’s Theatre. | Design a 3D model of an island then build it using a variety of craft or recycled materials. |
Zip Stage 3 The Magic Paint Brush (Stories from Long Ago – Junior Readers) |
Worksheet #2: Story Focus |
Worksheet #1: Grammar/Spelling Focus |
Write about an adventure sailing across the ocean in a ship. | In a small group, discuss the main message in this story. What other stories share this message? | Recreate the painting that Chang painted for the rich man. |
Zip Stage 3 Maui and the Giant Fish (Stories from Long Ago – Junior Readers) |
Worksheet #2: Story Focus |
Worksheet #1: Grammar/Spelling Focus |
What would you like to catch if you had a magical fishing rod? | In pairs, study a map of New Zealand. What are the oceans/seas around it called? | Create the giant fish from the story using papier mache. |
Zip Stage 4 Peter Pan (Timeless Tales) |
Multiple Choice Questions Worksheet & Worksheet #2: Peter Pan’s Adventures |
Worksheet #1: Which Word? |
Write a simple explanation text about what causes the tides to go in and out. | Use the script (found here) to read the story as Reader’s Theatre. | Draw, paint or create a collage of Hook’s ship, the Jolly Roger. |
Zip Stage 5 The Mermaid (Myths and Legends) |
Explain why Joseph’s feelings about living under the sea change. |
General Worksheet #1: Can You See a Silent ‘B’? |
General Worksheet #3: Life Under the Sea |
Group Discussion General Worksheet #2: Fact or Fiction? |
Research facts about King Neptune. |
Zip Stage 5 Finders Keepers (Adventure) |
Write a detailed character description of Captain Sirhoy. | Classify the proper nouns in the story as people, place or thing. |
General Worksheet #1: Captain Sirhoy visits |
In pairs, share responses to General Worksheet #2 before writing the story. | Create a fact file about sea creatures that live in rock pools. |
Zip Stage 5 Dr Wow in Atlantis (Adventure) |
Retell the main events in the story in your own words. |
General Worksheet #1: Swapping Synonyms |
General Worksheet #2: Facts About Mammals |
In a group, classify sea creatures as ‘harmless’ or ‘dangerous’. | Research facts about the giant squid. |
Zip Stage 6 Castaway (True Tales) |
General Worksheet #2: The Rescue |
Use the title to study compound words e.g. cast + away=castaway. | Imagine you are Alexander Selkirk. Write a diary for your first week on the island. | Research facts about Robinson Crusoe Island. Orally present the information. |
General Worksheet #1: The Island |
Zip Stage 6 The Luckiest Catch (People) |
Find 4 reasons Henry uses to try to get out of taking Molly fishing. |
General Worksheet #2: Who Said It? |
General Worksheet #3: Sea Creatures |
Brainstorm fun activities involving the ocean. |
General Worksheet #1: Word Brainstorm |
Zip Stage 6 The Fisherman and his Wife (Fairy Tales) |
What is the main idea? How do the events support the main idea? |
General Worksheet #1: Adjective Hunt |
Complete General Worksheet #3 then write a story about it. |
Small group activity - General Worksheet #2: Act it Out! |
What jobs involve the ocean? Choose one to research. |
Zip Stage 6 The Pirates’ Cave (Adventure) |
Compare how Ginger feels about Bruce at the beginning/end of the story. |
General Worksheet #1: Speech Marks Galore! |
General Worksheet #3: Reporter for a Day |
Present an oral report about a famous pirate. |
General Worksheet #2: Wanted: Dead or Alive! |
Zip Stage 7 Capsize! (True Tales) |
Use details from the story to create a timeline of events from Sunday – Thursday. |
General Worksheet #1: Abbreviations & General Worksheet #2: Design a Glossary |
Write a narrative using the title ‘Trapped under the sea!’ |
Work in pairs to complete General Worksheet #3: Survival of the Fittest |
Research facts about the Whitbread Yacht Race (now known as the Volvo Ocean Race). |
Zip Stage 7 Kay Cottee’s Adventures (True Tales) |
General Worksheet #2: Dear Diary... |
General Worksheet #1: A Dash of This and a Dash of That... |
Write an information text about another real life ocean rescue. | Present an oral report about a teenager who has sailed around the world (e.g. Jessica Watson, Jesse Martin). |
General Worksheet #3: Australians of the Year |
Zip Stage 7 The Ghost Ship (True Tales) |
General Worksheet #1: What Really Happened? |
General Worksheet #2: Sailing Ships |
General Worksheet #3: Read All About It! |
In pairs, research different types of dangerous sharks. | Create a fact file about how coral reefs are formed. |
Zip Stage 7 The Little Mermaid (Fairy Tales) |
Summarise how the mermaid is feeling on each page of the story. |
General Worksheet #1: Handy Homographs |
General Worksheet #3: Imagine If... |
Partner Activity – General Worksheet #2: Just a Dash |
Design a brochure about the Great Barrier Reef. |
Zip Stage 8 The Titanic (True Tales) |
General Worksheet #2: Fact or Opinion? |
General Worksheet #1: Apostrophes of Ownership |
General Worksheet #3: Keeping a Journal |
In pairs, research the locations of the seven oceans of the world. |
General Worksheet #4: Exploring Icebergs |
Zip Stage 8 Blackbeard the Pirate (True Tales) |
General Worksheet #2: Life at Sea |
Classify proper nouns in the story (e.g. names of people, places, things). | Write an informative text about what barnacles are. | Present an oral report about history of the Jolly Roger flag. |
General Worksheet #1: Writing a Description. |
Zip Stage 9 Trapped! (Horror – Advanced Library) |
Use details from the story to write the final chapter. | How is punctuation (e.g. capital letters, ellipses) used for effect in the text? |
Worksheet #1: Trapped in Real Life |
Worksheet #2: Real Cave Diving Adventures |
Worksheet #2 Extension Activity 3 (SCUBA research) |
Zip Stage 9 The Stones (People & Values – Advanced Library) |
Worksheet #1: Who’s Telling This Story? |
Create a glossary for slang words used in the story e.g. guts, wag, swell, bogan (pg 1). |
Worksheet #2: The Power of the Stone |
Write a persuasive text about why surfing is a great ocean activity and present to an audience. | Locate and perform some simple science experiments to show how salt water and fresh water are different. |
Zip Stage 9 Sinbad (Adventure – Advanced Library) |
Explain how Sinbad escapes the dangerous situations he encounters in the story. |
Worksheet #1: Changing Verbs into Nouns |
Worksheet #2: Legendary Monsters |
Create a multimedia presentation about the most horrifying real life deep sea creatures. | Retell ‘The Fisherman and the Genie’ (another Arabian Knights tale) in a creative way. |
Zip Stage 10 Mayday (True Tales – Advanced Library) |
Explain briefly the sequence of events that led to the Cookie Cutter being located. |
Worksheet #1: Dot, Dot, Dot... (ellipsis study) |
Worksheet #1 Extension Activities – Information report or brochure |
Worksheet #2 Extension Activities – Present chosen task to an audience |
Worksheet #2: Measuring the Elements |
Zip Stage 10 Nightmare Island (Adventure – Advanced Library) |
Worksheet #1: Action-Packed Adventures (Task 1) |
How are acronyms (e.g. EPIRB) and abbreviations (e.g. SOS) different? Research some common recognisable examples. |
Worksheet #1: Action-Packed Adventures (Task 2) |
Worksheet #2: Nightmarish Cyclones |
Research devices used to help locate people lost at sea e.g. EPIRB (pg 6). |
Related Ziptales Activities:
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