Page 43 - Ziptales Program Manual - US
P. 43

Diagnostic Tests    (Extending
                  Literacy 3-6)

The Ziptales Diagnostic Tests are a way for teachers to quickly find out how well students are doing in Reading
Comprehension (all genre types) and Language Conventions (spelling, grammar, syntax), using a standardised
test instrument.

There are eight tests in this module:

Third Grade	 READING TEST - two fully interactive tests (36 items each)
	 LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS TEST - two fully interactive tests (46 items each)

Fifth Grade	 READING TEST - two fully interactive tests (35 items each)
	 LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS TEST - two fully interactive tests (50 items each)

Each test is a live, interactive, ‘real time’ exam, where the student responds to questions and chooses answers
from those shown onscreen. He/she completes the test, and the teacher instantly gets an emailed print out of
the results (a line by line breakdown of correct and incorrect answers). This allows the teacher to determine what
areas of reading and language arts need remedial action.

Also included are multiple lessons on spelling, grammar, punctuation, reading and writing.

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